Portrait by Lena Jeanne

“Know, first, who you are, then adorn yourself accordingly.”

- Epictetus



I’m Bethan & I create *talisman objects, for and in collaboration with women, to help them embody a deeper understanding of themselves. The women I work with are seekers. I’m a seeker too, and the objects I make offer grounding on life’s journey.

There are times in a women’s life when she faces a threshold, a time of change, great or small, and with change comes mystery. Being on the edge of something new takes courage and being held in a safe space to explore all of the possibilities can feel grounding and supportive. 

Would you like someone to sit in sacred space with you while you unravel a question, or face a crossroads in life? Someone who will listen, not only with the mind but with the heart and hands, and create something, craft something that brings closure and grounding to this question. 

If you’re facing a turning point, and are reaching out for clarity, I’m here to hold that space for you. 

As a crafts woman, I am in relationship with clay, fabric, & ink, I’m a conduit for what wants to be made, I listen with my heart and form with my hand’s objects that hold reverence and become a touchstone in a women’s life.

A Story Talisman. 

Let’s journey together…



An incantation or intention in physical form, to be made by and held in the hand. A sacred object.

Bethan Axford
Bethan Axford
Bethan Axford